Cigarette Boxes – A Key to Secure a Good Market Repute for Cigarette Brand

Custom Cigarette Boxes wholesale

Cigarette consumption is more of a fashion than a side these days. Primarily their major consumers were the people belonging to their late thirties and early forties but now these thin tobacco rolls with a paper covering are seen in the hands of every second adult belonging to the elite class. He considers it a part of his personality and keeps the cigarette boxes in his pocket every time. Observing this increased consumer ratio of cigarettes, many tobacco brands are into their making which is giving tough completion to all.

Most of the brands work on quality production of their cigarettes rolls but that is considered as a secondary tool for earning customer trust over the product. What comes first here is the packaging because customers come across it initially and even guess the product quality through it.

What can help you meet the quality packaging requirements for your cigarette brand is going with custom cigarette boxes wholesale. Different avialable choices help you secure your cigarette rolls a good repute in the market.

For example;

A Stylish Packaging:

The major ratio of smokers belongs to the elite class who are style chasers therefore traditional cigarette packaging is of no help. Rather, you as a cigarette brand owner, need to think of some advanced styles for your cigarettes boxing. Here again, you can take assistance from the custom cigarette packaging because it gives you different options in terms of style for example:

  • Window Boxes Packaging
  • Tuck-end Packaging Boxes
  • Sleeve Packaging Boxes
  • Two-Piece Packaging Boxes
  • Rigid Packaging Boxes
  • Die Cut Packaging Boxes

These all have their own looks and opening styles that not only give your cigarettes consumers a different product experience but also help your tobacco brand steal all the limelight in the market.

Assist In Better Branding:

The competition is very tough in the market therefore the cigarette brands of the present era look for something innovative that can help them drive more foot traffic for their exclusive cigarettes. In such a situation no other choice can give you a better branding solution than the wholesale cigarette boxes. Their customization-friendly nature allows you to embed your brand logo and the name stylishly as per your choice. And, these stylishly crafted logos and the label help you engage the customer with your products leading you to a better brand reach.

Cigarette Packaging Boxes Wholesale

Make You Stand Different:

As mentioned earlier that there are a number of cigarette brands. Therefore establishing a strong identity for your one is mandatory to bring more clientage. For this purpose, you can take help from the custom boxes because their print-friendly nature allows you to imprint unique and colorful designs over the packaging. You can also do the graphic detailing or customize the product information. And usage precautions in order to make your cigarette products look different from others of the same kind. Besides making your cigarettes win the identity battle, these facts enhance the product display. And help customers in remembering it for the next time too.

Save Your Cigarettes from Ecological Damages:

Cigarettes are sensitive to temperature changes. Therefore, require solid packaging that can help them sustain their originality in the long term. At this point, the use of customized cardboard or Kraft boxes remains the most feasible option. Because both of them are resistant to heat, moisture, or dry wind. Hence, your cigarette rolls remain in the same condition even after days and days long. Which builds the user’s trust in it resulting in more sales.

A Budget-Friendly Packaging Solution:

Budget management is the major problem that most product brands face these days. It’s because in the old time they had production expenses only but now they have to spare the amount for good packaging as well. However, with the use of cigarette boxes wholesale, you have no need to be worried about the heavy expenditure. The reason is the cardboard or Kraft material they take in their making comes from the natural resources therefore low in price. Moreover, the packaging material doesn’t require heavy machine treatment for the customization that also decreases the cost. Further, most of the packaging companies offer free shipping and free design support. That helps decrease the packaging budget while you earn double your investments.


To conclude, getting the cigarette boxes in wholesale resolves multiple issues. That may become a hurdle in recognizing your cigarette brand in the market. From taking styling decisions to branding and creating a difference to the safety you get the solution of all the problems under one roof.

Leave a long-lasting impression onto the minds of onlookers with your custom packaging boxes!

Custom Printed Cigarette Boxes

Cigarettes are the most manufactured and purchased forms of tobacco items. It does not matter whether they are smoking or non-smoking items. A wide age group ranging from 16-34 meaning young children and adults greatly purchase cigarettes and consume them. Since such a large age group of individuals is greatly consuming cigarettes therefore a number of brands have started to manufacture their own.

Selling of tobaccos to a minor:

Consuming tobacco in public is not illegal but selling tobaccos to a minor is definitely illegal. Though there is no age limit of consuming tobacco minors cannot consume tobacco in any public place. Any individual under the age of 18 is considered a minor and selling a tobacco product to them is highly illegal.

Availability of different smoking brands in the market:

A large number of smoking brands are available in the market and for a newbie, it can become a bit difficult in distinguishing between different brands and finding out which one is better. Now, this is where packaging comes in. If you have designed your cigarette box in a way that is different and unique from the others then it is obvious that your packaging would be appealing to the customers.

Choosing the right material for your packaging boxes:

You might have not focused on the importance of choosing the packaging boxes but it is important that the cigarette boxes are made up of sturdy material. Since men usually store cigarettes boxes in their pockets therefore it is important that the boxes are made up of sturdy material. Usually, a variety of materials are used for making these boxes but the most common material is cardboard.

Appealing packaging is equal to an increase in sales: 

Consumers need a product packaging that touches their hearts and packaging which they can keep close to them. Cigars are easily consumed and thrown away but it is the packaging that will stay with the consumers for a longer period of time. Having a ravishing packaging box with your brand logo, which gives a luxurious feel to the customers upon holding it will definitely be a head-turner. Manufacturing packaging that will give them a deluxe feel is definitely a way of attracting them towards your brand and increasing sales.

Cigarette Packaging boxes

Maintaining the freshness of your cigars:

It is difficult to retain the freshness and aroma of the cigarettes whilst packing it inside the box. Its packing requires a bit of expertise so that the scent and the freshness of the packed cigarettes is maintained. Have you ever wondered how is this done? Typically, a group of cigarettes is made and then they are wrapped inside the foil which maintains their freshness. Then the cigarette pack is packed inside a protective film which is beneficial for preserving the aroma of the cigarettes.

Custom Cigarette Boxes:

Many brands still do not understand the advantages of having custom packaging. And cannot get hold of the fact that good packaging is a great way of carrying the brand message. Similarly, many people do not understand the need of having custom cigarette boxes. The custom boxes serve no other purpose than just making your product appealing to the customers. And getting your brand recognized among the customers or boosting the sales of your cigars.

Plus, if you have custom boxes with your brand logo on them. Then it would be easier for the people to reach your brand and this in return will increase your customer reach. This is why the custom box should at least have a brand logo, brand name, and tagline.

Packaging should leave a long-lasting impression in the mind of your customers:

The consumer will most probably look at your product packaging for some seconds to a maximum of a minute. At this time, it is your responsibility that you attract the onlooker towards your product. And create a long-lasting impression in their minds. Now, you cannot create a long-lasting impression into their minds with the help of your products until and unless they try out your products. So the only way through which you can grab the attention of your onlookers is by making striking packaging. That will grab the attention of the by-passers, immediately.

Cigarette packaging should have a warning on them:

Since you are making a tobacco product that is injurious to health and in some cases can even cause death. Therefore, it is important that your product packaging clearly mentions all the dangers that it can do to your body. You might have seen that some cigarette brands show a picture of non-smokers’ lungs in comparison to the picture of a smoker’s lung. It is a good way of giving warnings and creating awareness amongst all smokers.

Market Oriented and Premium Cartridge Packaging for Vapes

The industry of vapes is growing day by day. There are endless types of vapes available in the market. Customers can choose their favorite flavor among dozens. A big reason for the growth of this industry is due to the legalization of marijuana products. Hence, the manufacturers who are producing these vapes are making good profits. Also, there are numerous brands in the market offering vapes. That is why the competition among the manufacturers is also rising. To beat this competition, manufacturers use different tactics to stay on the top. One of those tactics is generating sales through premium cartridge packaging of these products. Cartridge packaging is famous for a vape as these boxes can perfectly hold the vape tubes. So, the brand owners find cartridge packaging the best way to add glamor to their products. Moreover, cartridge packaging boxes for vapes can protect them for a long-lasting time. Thus increasing the shelf life of these products as well.

Custom Designs for Vape Cartridge Boxes

Brand value and product recognition are of significant importance for every business. There might be hundreds of other products in the market among which vapes from your brand can be overlooked easily. But at the same time, you can blow life into vape boxes and gain customer attention as well. For that, customization of your boxes is the best tool. Through customizations, you can avail packaging boxes in the trendiest designs that will give value to your products and attract customers. The use of creative designs and customized themes are also possible. No matter how long you are in the market, good packaging always counts for generating sales. This is the packaging that can transform an ordinary product in the market into a hot-selling one. Customized designs imprinted on the boxes and distinctive designs make the products distinguished among many others in the market. Vape cartridge boxes can be made even more charming with the help of these designs. In this way, you can easily ensure a remarkable brand recognition in the market as customers are pretty much into beautifully presented products. They only remember those products for a long time which give them an unforgettable unboxing experience. Innovative themes and eye-catching graphic images always stick to the minds of customers. In this way, they will naturally tend to look for your products in their next visit to the market. Hence, customized designs for these boxes always counts for high market value and customer satisfaction.

Try Unique Shapes & Personalization for Vape Boxes

There are endless ways in which you can present your products to your customers. Now it is up to you that how well you personalize your boxes to make them look unique. With custom shapes and style, you can gain significant customer attention. First of all, there is a need to understand how important is this for you to stand out. If you keep on sending your products in the market without any exclusivity, then there is a very low chance that you will ever be recognized as a brand in the market. That is why unique shapes and customizations for vape boxes are of considerable importance. These unique shapes can either be in the form of drawer-like boxes in which the vape will slide out of the box with grace. There are many other advantages of utilizing these two-piece packaging boxes for the vapes such as you can enhance their safety as well as customer loyalty. The combination of sleeve and tray for the boxes will impact the customers remarkably. So, add an extra buzz to the vapes through unique sleeve boxes printed with your company information such as company name, logo, and tagline. These tactics will make your customers feel associated with your brand. Your customers would love to stick to your brand for a long-lasting time due to the way you present them to your products. So, get your products ready for sales through elegant printing and increase your credibility in the market.

Best Custom Vape Cartridge Packaging Boxes

Well, boxes can be of many kinds here on our website. But we have a dedicated portion on our website offering endless vape packaging options for the users. You can take a complete overview of our matchless boxes available. You can avail any of these boxes in your desired customization options. Vape Cartridge Packaging can be adorned with creative themes and customized finishing options such as glossy finish or matte finish. We, at Custom Cigarette Boxes, will make sure that you get your desired boxes in the classiest looks. We have all the facilities at our company for giving you the most high-end boxes. Regardless of what kind of boxes you need, we have all the capability to provide you the most glamorous vape packaging boxes for your business. Come up with your ideas and get a custom quote from us after our sales executives will further enhance your idea and polish it according to the trends.

The significance of a packaging boxes for cigarettes

Custom Cigarette Packaging

There are many ways a customer can be influenced such as price, quality, need, and presentation. Out of all these ways, the one that has a greater impact is the packaging. Regardless of the fact that you are an owner of a newly launched product or an old one, packaging needs to be up to the mark so that your brand doesn’t get behind anyone. This is because of the reason that packaging is the costume of your products. The more you put style and elegance into the packaging, the greater will be the impression of your products on your customers.

Many new startups overlook the element of packaging and suffer in the long run. That is why, as soon as the product is manufactured, it should be packed in an exceptional packaging that is second to none. It’s the only way that you can increase the credibility of your brand. Moreover, your customers will be gratified while choosing your brand as a good packaging is evidence of a great product. Especially, when the product involved couldn’t be marketed on traditional media such as cigarettes.

Cigarette Packaging

When it comes to cigarettes, it is important to understand the fact that there are hundreds of tobacco companies. They are all trying their utmost to market their brand across the globe. Hence, if you don’t pay heed towards the recognition of your brand, you will soon lose your customers. Tobacco consumers are never consistent with the choice of their brand. They tend to keep on changing brands until they get complete satisfaction. That is the reason cigarette companies have greater competition than any other industry. The reason we are focusing so much on the packaging is that cigarette packaging is the only way that can be used as a tool to market this commodity. The restrictions on cigarette advertisements on traditional media restrict the marketing and branding opportunities for the manufacturers. Yet you will not be in loss if you have a great marketing strategy for your cigarettes.

Good and reliable packaging not only enhances the protection of enclosed cigarettes but also brings new customers. People will always judge the quality of your cigarettes through the package. So, all you need to do is make the package more embellished with all the useful information so that the customers can be attracted at first glance. Alluring packaging is the key to attract customers in a market full of products of similar category.

Cigarette Boxes

Boxes as Extension of Brands

The packaging as a carrier of the brand message is still underestimated by many companies. In this blog, we’ll show you how the packaging can be used to shape and support the identity of the brand. The packaging as a brand ambassador plays a central role in entering the market and in accepting new product categories. Brand trust can be actively used by manufacturers to create brand loyalty and expand their portfolio of traditional products. Therefore, a single package with a clear brand message is a decisive factor in the purchase decision.

All you need to do to become a reputable brand in the market is to spread awareness. Whenever people are looking for a cigarette brand in the market, their eyes must be caught by your cigarettes. This is only possible by introducing such a packaging that is recognizable from afar. For that, you can make use of bright and unique colors for the boxes to be printed with. It can be possible with the help of Custom Cigarette Packaging.

Custom cigarette packaging advantages

Cigarette brands can be seen everywhere in the market and people choose the one that stands out. That is why customizing your cigarette boxes with creative designs and personalization such as logo, company name, and the tagline is important. Custom boxes with logo can be used for your cigarettes to make your products more recognizable in the market. People will figure out your brand easily if it’s customized with your company details in an impressive and prominent way. That’s how you can maximize your customer reach. Also, customizations in the boxes allow you to avail boxes in any kind of technical details. Regardless of the shape and size of the boxes, you can still make any last-minute changes in the dimensions.

How to order custom boxes?

There is much that you can do with your packaging with the help of custom boxes. But the main question that might be popping up in your mind is that how you can avail custom boxes? The short answer is from Custom Cigarette Boxes. And the long answer is; from a company that is well established for the packaging of cigarettes. We, at Custom Cigarette Boxes, offer complete customization options for your products. However, we have given some sample boxes on our list of boxes for cigarettes. Yet with the assistance of our customer support executives, you can make any changes to these boxes.

All you need to do is tell us your need and we’ll help you in polishing your idea for cigarette boxes. Whether you need traditional cigarette boxes with unmatched and unique custom designs or you need to have something more creative, you can come up with your idea.

Do not delay contacting us if you are already here and reading this blog. Get our latest discounts on bulk orders as well.

Why Customized Packaging is Significant for your Cigarettes?

Custom Cigarette Boxes

If you very well know about something, such as impact of cigarettes on our health, how you will continue to that habit? But still people are getting attracted towards this good for nothing habit that is smoking. Tobacco companies are getting modified with launching or introducing new types of cigarettes for making their customers involved in their brand. If we talk about smoking, we all know that once someone get addicted to this habit than no one can let them convince to leave this habit. People may quit a brand but cannot quit smoking. In fact, all are very well aware of smoking’s injurious factors to health but still are inclining towards it.

If you are new to smoking, then definitely you don’t know about the various factors of smoking. there is a safe way and some important rules for smoking. Yes, everything in this world has some ways and rules to get adopted and beyond the limit everything gets injurious and unnecessary. Smoking is not only about nicotine consumption, it really a way to get rid of depression or some stomach problems for some people. In fact, many people just adopt this unnecessary habit by getting attracted by the presentation and packaging of cigarettes. The packaging is really important for the progress or existence of brand that is strong existence.

Advanced ways of smoking with exclusive packaging styles:

There are several shapes and types for cigarettes are available for the people who are really addicted to nicotine consumption. But as the world is getting advanced and due to effective warning messages people are moving towards safer ways of smoking. Yes, this is absolutely right that advancement and modernization of this era have turned the things to be more modified than the older ones. Such as:


The most traditional way of nicotine consumption is cigarettes. when people were not so much introduced to the cigarettes, with the help of packaging they were attracted towards cigarettes. at that time in fact for every time packaging is a convenient and portable method for marketing. Hinged Lid is the most demanded packaging style for cigarettes. There are some most famous brands of cigarettes.

  • Marlboro
  • Camel
  • Gold leaf
  • Dunhill
  • Davidoff

Have you ever think about the fact that why these brands are so much popular and are customer’s demand? Just think about the fact that which product you will prefer a best quality packaging product or a product with ordinary packaging? obviously you will go for the product which will be in aesthetic packaging.

Vape or Electronic Cigarettes:

Vape is a new and advance way of smoking with low risk of health. Vapes are somehow different from electronic cigarettes in a way that electronic cigarette is battery operated device just like the shape of pen or we can say as vapor pen. On the other hand, vapes are in form of bottles and juices are used which can either be of nicotine or without nicotine with different flavor of fruits or vegetables. For such kind of brands, packaging that is considered as effective is reverse tuck-end boxes, straight tuck-end boxes and sometimes Rigid boxes.

Rigid boxes are the most exclusive way to make your products unique and best in packaging. In some boxes there are portions to place the cigarettes in an effective way for the maintenance of their shape and quality.

Importance of personalized packaging:

A person who is professional in a real meaning can understand this term of personalized packaging. Personalized packaging is the best way to explain your brand’s story in an effective way. You can get your desired style and shapes for boxes such as Custom Cigarette Boxes, and also you can add your company’s logo with attractive messages or storylines to improve your brand’s image.

A packaging can even take your product to the heights and even can bring it to down the earth. It’s totally depends upon your selected way that how you will improve your brand’s image.

Logos: Attractive logos can easily make the customers attracted towards your cigarette such as Camel which has a logo of camel. This is how a logo works for a brand.

Graphics and abbreviations: if you really get personalized packaging or even customized packaging you will come to know that how a packaging can mold the identity and people’s choice for a brand especially for cigarettes.

Safe shipment:

Shipment is a process where there is risk of packaging damage but if packaging is of good quality, trust me, you will never face any problem related to the product’s presentation and its quality. You can easily make your products retail ready with customized cigarette boxes. Nothing can be impossible if you are in touch with reliable company.

Importance of Inimitable Packaging of your Cigarettes!

Custom Cigarette Boxes

Tobacco industry has definitely seen a boom over the past few years. This is because in late 80’s, the kids used to hide their smoking habits from their parents but now in 2000’s, everyone does it quite casually. The way smoking habits have been seen in youngsters, it is evident that the trend of smoking cigarettes has prevailed in our society. Mostly, people are addicted to the taste of nicotine but now, it is all about looking cool among your fellows and showing off the smoke. So it wouldn’t be wrong to say that now it has nothing to do with addiction but just impressions.

How Cigarette Packaging Affects Sales?

Due to the rapid increase in smoking, the tobacco industry has observed some of the largest sale patterns. The competition in market has increased by leaps and bounds. This is why different brands now work to improve the overall quality of their cigarettes. Now, only the taste of the cigarette doesn’t matter, or the slim structure isn’t the only important thing; how a cigarette looks is the most important thing for most people now. Why? Well, as said before, it is more about maintaining an impression than it is about addiction. People smoke expensive cigarettes as a status symbol and to show off their taste and likeness in cigarettes.

Here we can take the example of Marlboro. It is stated as the biggest cigarette brand with the largest sales among all of the other competitors. Other brands like, the ones mentioned below, are also quite popular because of high quality cigarette and the packaging as well:

  • Newport
  • Camel
  • Pall Mall Box
  • Maverick
  • Santa Fe
  • Winston
  • Kool

Brand Recognition

When you introduce high quality cigarettes packaged in high quality boxes, your brand will be recognized at a great level. Customized packaging gives your brand a great amount of recognition in the market among consumers and puts you at a higher level than your competitors.


Custom Cigarette Boxes

Getting customized Cigarette Boxes gives you the perfect ticket of tailoring your product boxes. The best way of giving your product a good look is by carefully putting together all the pieces. Shape, size, color, and style of the box plays a great role in making your product not just display worthy but worthy of sales as well.

The Role of Color

According to psychology, colors play a great role in marketing your product. If red is the color for energy and boldness, then green is the color for tranquility and purple is the color for wisdom, royalty. The point is, how you customize your product says a lot about how your product will perform in the market. It is extremely important to carefully select the combination of the color scheme. You can make your product vibrant and simple, just as you want but the perfect product would be the one in which the colors have been decided with wit.


Full customization option means full liberty of deciding what kind of design you want in your cigarette boxes. Customized packaging gives you the option of getting your choice of vibrant or simple designs from the designers. This makes it easy for you to easily reflect the vibe of your own brand. As said before, personalization of the product boxes gives you brand recognition and this way, your company will be able to stand out more. Designers support you through the graphics and give you professional advice. This way you will able to have a clearer idea of what you want in your box’s design. Moreover, you get the option of giving your box a finishing style of your choice; embossing, foiling, aqueous coating, UV spot coating, gloss or matte lamination, depending upon the type of look you are going for.

Box Style

The most popular box style for cigarette boxes is the vertical shaped box, with a hinged lid or you can even call it flap lid. The box has a lock bottom which provides even more security to the entire box. These boxes are always shipment friendly and this assembly is the most popular type. But with the changing trends, sleeve box style is also used for cigarette boxes. Like, a slide in box style for cigarettes is also in the market. And on your own preference, you can also get rigid box style with magnetic flap for your cigarettes. Any popular box style can be altered and used for your products. This adds uniqueness and innovation to your products.

The Role of Size

Customization gives you the liberty of playing around with the size. Back in 80’s, kiddie sized cigarette boxes were introduced which could be easily hiding anywhere. Classy king sized cigarette boxes are also introduced by elite companies who like to show off their style. And now, you can introduce pocket friendly cigarette boxes; this will help people in carrying their cigarettes and will provide greater accessibility.

Protection of Product

Most cigarette boxes are made in the aim of protecting the cigarettes from any damage. Cigarettes can easily lose their quality if they are exposed to water or even humidity and moisture. So a sturdy packaging box will also serve the purpose of protecting your product. Customized boxes are always made from high quality paper stock. This includes cardboard material, or even paper boxes. The aim is to ensure that the cigarettes maintain their shape and quality inside the box and that, the pressure of any other product doesn’t destroy them.

To get sturdy, innovative and classy boxes, you can contact SUPPORT@CUSTOMCIGARETTEBOXES.COM

Branding Tricks That you can’t miss for Cigarette Boxes

Custom Cigarette Boxes

With the rapid growth of tobacco industry, it has become a challenge for the manufacturers to retain their brand recognition in the market. People are more interested to buy cigarettes that have managed to ensure ‘shelf appeal’. Today, the purchasing of cigarettes isn’t what it was before. Now the lovely illustrations on the cigarette boxes and allure of a beautiful picture in a graphic play a significant role in grabbing the attention of all types of customers. People would always be concerned that what type of edition have you done to your packaging box. Is your packaging box is glowing in the market and giving a striking look? The competitive market of ever-growing cigarette brands, has given the consumers a lot of choices. That is why, boosting the appeal of your cigarette boxes is of core importance. You have to make sure that your design is noticeable because only that way you can keep the customers coming back to you.

The branding techniques and methods have taken a big turn in this era. A lot of cigarette brands are adopting different marketing strategies in order to make their brands stand out in the market. But as a matter fact, the demands of customers have not remained simple. Keeping your customers loyal with your brand has become more crucial than ever before. A smart gentleman would never pick up a cigarette pack that is old fashioned or very traditional. Besides the quality of a particular cigarette brand, customers assess the elements such as elegance of a cigarette pack as well as its grace. This gives them a feeling of class and makes them feel better in a group of people. So, the selection of attractive and functional packaging design is the first step in branding through packaging. There are different tricks that can be coursed for a next level branding.

Custom Cigarette Boxes

The design process

In order to design a workable packaging design for your cigarette boxes, it is necessary to have insights about consumer demands. It will be then helpful to better implement the physical and marketing functions of a cigarette box. The protection of cigarettes, retaining their freshness, keeping them compact in the box are some of the physical functions while marketing functions include the conjunction of the design with the demands of consumers. This means, either the packaging box is communicating your brand identity with the smokers. The integration of favorable images and product attributes on customized cigarette boxes will definitely generate a brand recognition making your cigarettes stand out in the market and urging the consumers to give a try to your brand. Hence, while designing a cigarette brand, careful considerations must be taken that if the overall packaging of your cigarette is fulfilling the physical and marketing functions.

Redesign your pack

For an effective branding of your cigarette company, it is necessary to evaluate your pre-designed cigarette box. Keeping up with the latest market trends is important for a cigarette brand especially if you have been in the market since a while. The redesigning of your cigarette box might depend upon your requirements that either your brand is newly launched or it is an existing one. If your brand is already existing, then there might be a need to modernize the design of your cigarette boxes wholesale in order to engage more customers and generate excitement in your old brand. The redesigning process can also be done to target a different market or signal the changes that you may have done in your products. The redesigning of your cigarette boxes will not let you lose your market share which can be affected due to competitive brands.

Unusual shapes

There is a common branding technique that can be implemented to all kinds of industries having a product. When it comes to cigarette boxes, you can come out of the box and present your cigarette within some unusually designed cigarette boxes. This will definitely catch the attention of consumers at least for once. You can grab more consumers and ensure the popularity of your brand through such branding tricks.

Package imagery and graphics

The marketing research is the essence of good branding. You need to analyze your customers that how they presume different graphics and colors for cigarette boxes. Such as red colored cigarette box will give a notion of strong flavor while green pack will mean coolness and white will indicate safety. You can make use of different kinds of colors, textures, graphics schemes as well as their combinations to build the desired brand personality in the market. Since, different kinds of graphic imagery will attract different kinds of smokers, hence, the manufacturers are recommended to do appropriate market research for the type of consumer they are after.